I Intended to start a blog, that much is evident, for the life of me I quit as fast as I started! lol O well all things begin with good intentions.
Then this morning on my way to work I thought what a tiny little blip on the screen of the internet am I? Who really reads the stuff randomly posted and ramble on without even knowing if someone reads it?
Yes, ladies and Gents I am in a pretty shitty mood today. Had a kinda crappy weekend. I HATE Mondays.
My oldest son who is about to turn 15 thinks he is 23 and knows everyting. We were having problems with his lying and doing stupid things just to see if got caught, at least we thought so.
We decided to see if grandma in Mo wanted to take him for a while. She jumped at the chance.
We homeschool him and she agreed to take on the chore of keeping him inline. That was a month ago, he was origanally going to go for 2-3 weeks. He's having so much fun he does'nt want to come home. That puts me in the position of feeling like the worst mom in the world but also wanting him to be happy. I'm sure it's not my parenting skills because my mom loves to spoil him rotten. So now I need to figure out how much longer I can allow it. On one hand to get him aclaimated again once he comes home is going to be a nightmare. On the the other I know she is retired and can keep a closer eye on him and he stays out of trouble! I have no idea what to do....
We took the 6 hour ride down this weekend to see him, needless to say we couldnt change his mind about coming home yet. It made it worse to know that because I feel as he should want to be with mom and dad before he moves out and gets married has his own children etc... NOPE
We decided on the way home he is coming home Easter no ifs, ands, or buts about it!
Parenting is hard, thank god we decided to have our 2 children young so we handle it.
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