Thursday, June 01, 2006

Incredible Faith

You may have seen this in the news, as it just has made national news. It's a story of two young women. Five weeks ago these two young gals from Taylor University were in a terrible accident. One lived. One died (along with four other students). But their identities were mixed-up. Today it was discovered. The family who sat by the bedside of whom they thought was their daughter, Laura VanRyn, is indeed, Whitney Cerak. The VanRyn's have kept a blog. Their faith is incredible.

Yesterday they began their blog with the verse, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8). They then share, "It is a sorrow and a joy for us to learn of this turn of events. For us, we will mourn Laura's going home and will greatly miss her compassionate heart and sweetness while knowing that she is safe and with her King forever."

What joy for one family.

What sorrow for another.
To Think your child is gone and then to find them to be alive is imposible to imagine. To think your child is alive and then to find them gone would be even worse. My prayers are with both families.

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