Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Barry Bonds

"Ruth did it on Hot dogs and Beer"
75 years from now how will history look back at Barry Bonds record?
If it is proven without a shadow of a doubt that Barry was on some performance enhancing drug should that record hold?
Depending on the outcome of finding out if Barry did use performance enhancing drugs (I believe he did) that is how history will see him. If found out yes he did then he will go down in history as the man who cheated his way to the top.
If it is found out that he didn't use then 75 years from now it won't matter at all. Now should the record hold if he is busted.... That is a hard one. #1 he did hit the ball #2 he hit the ball because he was juiced and would he have been able to do as well not juiced. I am undecided.


Mark Brown said...

I disagree Steph:
(I hope you don't mind that name...)
(see: http://markbnj.blogspot.com/2006/04/drugabuse-ban-barry-baseball.html

And I said it last MONTH....
We need to throw the bum out NOW, not AFTER he beats the record.


Stephanie said...

Free country disagreements make the world go around... Steroids in sports are rampant and the kids try so hard to keep up with the record breakers and are killing themselves doing so. Bonds should'nt be inducted if he is on steroids. Period. Hey maybe they should dock the million dollar(s) pay check per offence!

O well