Thursday, May 18, 2006

No talent Paris Hilton.....

We celebrate people with no brains. No talent, and no morals. Why should girls think that you have to act stupid and be a size 2 to be accepted? I think the attention Paris Hilton gets from the media is way out of proportion. Every single fart is well documented. Lets go back to that one incident that brought her to big fame. Yes, I’ve seen her well promoted "sex video". But even on fast forward, there is not much action going on and I would like to quote my former workmate, who admitted that he had "thrown away better porn".

What passes for entertainment in this day and age has little to do with talent. Unfortunately the average American has an unhealthy obsession with popular culture and Hollywood has perfected feeding this sickness to the point where anything that they put in front of the general public will be snapped up and celebrated, regardless of talent or ability. Most celebrities are more product than talent.

She never grew up to hear the word "NO." Thats what teens today have to look up too!

1 comment:

Mark Brown said...

And yet, people wonder about the decline about our civilization.

This is why. If I had my 'druthers
I would pull my 12yr old out of school and start to home-school him.
(but I don't have enough balls to...)


I like the observation a "teen"/young adult author made (my teacher is an alien, bruce coville i think...

In it he states that he was convicted of giving earth the radio, and televison 100 years too early in our development, and he was sentenced to spend 50 years teaching high school on earth to try and undo the damage he did...