Wednesday, May 09, 2007

To our soldiers.

I have never been in the trenches, literally, as you. I have never been in the desolate desert. I have been over seas and alone in a nation that did not know me or want me. I have been alone and scared without brother or sister to keep me company. But I have never been where you are. I am past the ability of serving my country in the manner that you do. As each day passes, I can\’t help but think what I would give to switch places with you. Here in America, in our homeland, I see faces every day that take for granted what it is that you fight for. YOU fight for US. You fight for the the basic undeniable freedom that I DO NOT take for granted. I would swap places with you but that is not my calling. My calling is to be here as a citizen of this great country that you defend. If the tables were turned and I were in your position, I would want to hear this. You make me proud. Every story I hear about the sacrifice you pay makes me cry. This is not some propaganda bullshit or some news story gone bad…I am an American citizen that looks to my God above thanking every free breath that I get to take because of men and women like you. I am a member of the freedom loving groups and an active member of my local community. My sons are developing…hopefully into the freedom loving, God blessed men that you are. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

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