Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Poor OJ

O.J. "Can’t Remember," Even When He’s Making Stuff Up? Leaked transcript excerpts of the ill-fated Fox TV interview that was to kick off publication of If I Did It apparently puts O.J. in the curious position of saying he couldn’t remember some details of things he, according to the book contract, was supposed to be making up in the first place. Asked whether he took off his glove before he grabbed the knife (handed to him by his accomplice, "Charlie," he said), he told interviewer Judith Regan, "You know, I had no conscious memory of doing that, but obviously I must have because they found a glove there."

Yo, O.J., you’re supposed to have "no conscious memory" of any of these things because they didn’t happen to you.

1 comment:

The Idiot Speaketh said...

Poor misunderstood OJ......

One of these days he'll get his....