Monday, February 26, 2007

America's Justice

A U.S. soldier has been sentenced to 100 years in prison after pleading guilty to raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and killing three members of her family, The Associated Press reports.

This does not degrade what harm was brought upon this person or her family. The fact remains that a very bad thing occurred and someone was to blame. This soldier did a very bad thing and he was expected to pay for this. So he was convicted and sentence to 100 years. A time that he will most likely spend in a cell reflecting on all that he has done wrong. They might as well plugged his veins with a toxin and put him asleep. His life and the fateful decision he made is essentially gone now.

The crime that he was convicted for was severe and it’s really sad, I digress for repeating this plain fact but, 100 years? What does it really mean to be sentence to 100 years in federal prison?

Just this morning on the radio a local personality was at his wits end involving the case of a foster parent duct tapping his foster son and putting him in the closet for two days, after which he then set the child on FIRE and threw him in the river hoping he destroyed all evidence. What you ask did he get as punishment? 13 years!!!!
WTF People! The justice system is severely fucked up.

now lets just hope that judge can sleep at night!

1 comment:

The Idiot Speaketh said...

Amen! Things are really SCREWED up in our country!